Virtual “Just-in-Time Learning” is a significant “game changer” in training since this training approach provides a significant increase of agility and flexibility in training.
It is also a very timely and relevant approach to training during these challenging Coronavirus times when in-person training is not appropriate.
Whether an employee is working on the road, at home, or at the office, an employee can access “Just-in-Time” Learning training from a computer or their smart phone whenever they feel compelled to acquire the training.
This training approach provides employees on-demand training that enables them to acquire need-related training exactly when they need that information.
This form of virtual training is readily accepted by employees since it closely aligns with today’s knowledge-driven, speed-oriented world where people want “just in time” information quickly.
Since there is no one right time to provide a group of employees training on a topic, the resourcefulness of virtual Just-in-Time Learning will be appreciated by employees since it provide them in-the-moment, relevant, real-time training exactly when they need that training.
Also, having experienced a strong need for the real-time training, they will retain the training longer.
The topics of this training approach are delivered in modules. Not only can employees initially learn the module’s training, they can also revisit a module, or a section of a module, time and time again, for tips, solutions, and training reinforcement.
Virtual Just-in-Time Learning also enhances an employee’s productivity by providing them real-time performance support when they are experiencing a situation calling for that municipal support.
Complimentary Post-Training Personalized Coaching
For our clients we provide complimentary post-training coaching for two months after training is completed to make sure our clients achieve the highest possible ROI from the training we provided. After that, this coaching is provided at a reasonable rate.
Complimentary Consultation
For a complimentary discussion on how I might assist you, please click on the website’s blue box showing “Book a complimentary 20-minute consultation with Bill“; or go to the Contact Bill tab of this website; or send me an e-mail at [email protected]; or call me at (1) 905-599-6365.
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