My experience is that it is very important to coach and support employees and managers throughout their cultural/generational/inclusion journey of change.
Too often organizations have hired trainers who provide training and then move on. Unfortunately, a few months later employees have forgotten important training information and/or have slide back to their old habits.
To protect our clients from those type of negative post-training experiences, our customized training is backed complimentary one-on-one post-training support. We want to ensure our clients achieve the highest possible ROI from our training or keynote presentation.
I: Complimentary Coaching: For the two months following an intercultural, inter-generational, or workplace inclusion presentation, I provide unlimited one-to-one complimentary coaching. After that, coaching is provided at a reasonable fee.
This coaching can be valuable in a number of ways.
For example, when a client’s staff and/or management is using the cultural sensitivity training; generational sensitivity training, and/or diversity and Inclusiveness training provided, they may find that they need to “fine tune” how they are using the training. Or they may find themselves “slipping back” to their old habits that did not work very well. Or a manager may find s/he needs advice on working with an employee on the use of the training we provided.
We are glad to provide clients with complimentary Cultural Sensitivity; Generational Sensitivity; and/or Diversity and Inclusiveness coaching to assist clients become as successful as possible using our training.
For a complimentary discussion on how I might assist you, please go to the Contact Bill tab of this website; or send me an e-mail at [email protected] or bill@crossculturalconnecting; or call me at 905-599-6365.
I’ll do my best to respond to you before the end of the business day.
Thank you,