Most organizations realize how important it is to provide excellent customer service.
However they often do not fully recognize how much each generation is strikingly different. Each generation has grown up during very different times which has shaped their very different values, beliefs, behaviors, and expectations.
A customer service representative who lacks cross-generational sensitivity training can easily be limited in their ability to provide an excellent “customer experience” to an individual from a different generation than their own. For example, Generation Y customer service representatives can be seen by customers who are from the Traditionalists Generation as lacking appropriate empathy to their elderly needs.
A company whose customer service professionals have receive generational sensitive training can be a significant “competitive edge” for their organization’s success providing customer service across different generations.
Complimentary Post-Training Personalized Coaching
For our clients we provide complimentary post-training coaching for three months after training is completed. This ensure our clients achieve the highest possible ROI from the training we provided.
Complimentary Consultation
For a complimentary discussion on how I might assist you, please click on the website’s blue box showing “Book a complimentary 20-minute consultation with Bill“; or go to the Contact Bill tab of this website; or send me an e-mail at [email protected]; or call me at (1) 905-599-6365.
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