The increasing mosaic of diversity at work has significantly changed the landscape of the workplace. Cross-cultural management skills have become an important managerial skill.

Since many managers have not had cultural sensitivity management training, they find that managing employees from different cultures can be a significant challenge.

To manage a culturally different employee, it is important to understand their cultural background. Otherwise you are trying to manage them virtually “cross culturally-blind”.

Please keep in mind that employees from different cultures have their own set of unique values, beliefs, and expectations of what is a “good manager”. There perspective of a good manager can be very different than what mainstream Canadians and Americans consider as a good manager.

When they see that you understand their culture and their cultural preferences and expectations of a manager, they will appreciate you more as their manager.

We enhance the value of this seminar by incorporating in this seminar a third-party tool called Your Cultural Profile Report and Your Cultural Gaps Report identifying the cross-cultural gaps and barriers you have with people in/from up to 100 countries and outlines how you can overcome the specific cultural gaps you have with them.

Complimentary Post-Training Personalized Coaching

For our customized training clients we provide unlimited complimentary post-training coaching for three months after training is completed. This ensures our clients achieve the highest possible ROI from the training we provided.

Complimentary Consultation

For a complimentary discussion on how I might assist you, please click on the website’s blue box showing “Book a complimentary 20-minute consultation with Bill“; or go to the Contact Bill tab of this website; or send me an e-mail at [email protected]; or call me at (1) 905-599-6365.

Thank you,
